Regional consultation workshop held in Almaty
Representatives of the Coalition of Azerbaijani NGOs also attended the event.
Regional consultation workshop was organized in Almaty on EITI by Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Coalition and Soros Foundation Office in Kazakhstan. The workshop, which was held on August 21-23, discussed the latest recommendations of PWYP Coalition on EITI rules and principles, as well as management mechanisms, and made presentations on real situation of EITI implementation and development per countries. Furthermore, an exchange of views was held on the agenda of EITI international conference to be organized in Amsterdam on September this year, also the further tactical and strategical duties.
Besides the representatives of civil society organizations from Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Ukraine, the representatives of Azerbaijani Coalition of NGOs – Sabit Bagirov, Gubad Ibadoglu, Sevil Yuzbasheva and Nijat Daglar attended the workshop too. They made speeches on the current realities on EITI in the country, achievements made, existing challenges and activity of the NGO Coalition.
Sabit Bagirov made a speech on the international initiatives on EITI implementation. His-chaired panel discussed the existing challenges in the regional countries.
And Gubad Ibadoglu’s presentation underscored 4 main challenges of EITI Coalition: transfer of powers of the state commission on EITI implementation to the Multi-stakeholder Group, individual accountability, improvement of memorandum and reporting formats.
The workshop attendees and organizers in their speeches focused on the Azerbaijan’s case as an example. Booklets on the EITI implementation in Azerbaijan and activity of Coalition were distributed among the attendees.