Gubad Ibadoglu: “Because Azerbaijan refuses shifting to disaggregated reporting, it may lose its leading position”
“We discussed the selection of audit company for analyzing and reconciling reports of 2011 and Multi-stakeholder Group agreed on Moore Stephens” – stated MSG member Gubad Ibadoglu, when being interviewed on latest MSG meeting. Another issue discussed at that meeting was holding International EITI conference in Azerbaijan, but no decision was made on that: “The next meeting we will return to this issue again. The meeting agenda also included discussions on the final version of MoU and its adoption; however this issue was postponed to the next meeting due to non clear position of Companies’ Group. It was agreed that the working group of MSG would meet on March 1st and present the results at the next MSG meeting. Inclusion of social payments to EITI reports was also among discusses issues. This initiative was proposed by civil society and some evaluations were already made. It was agreed that the Companies’ Group would come up with its final position before next meeting”.
According Mr.Ibadoglu, development of 2011 year’s report, decisions made at International EITI Secretariat, improved access to EITI information, contracts’ transparency and speeding up the process of placing of information at web-sites were discussed and decisions were made. Touching the issue of passing to disaggregated reporting system, Mr. Ibadoglu said that the number of companies that were ready to pass were less that those refusing. Thus for softening this situation The Coalition made a proposal to make this process volunteer: “The MoU could include a clause saying companies could disclose their reports in disaggregated and volunteer way. Right now we are discussing this issue with companies. As far as we know, almost all companies agree with such formulation and just one delays the process. As we were told, in nearest future discussions with that company will be finished. However, this does not mean transition to disaggregated system, but is a statement of possibility of disaggregated reporting by any company on volunteer way.
At present there are more than 10 EITI countries doing disaggregated reporting. We would like to see Azerbaijan in this list. Because Azerbaijan refuses shifting to disaggregated reporting, it may lose its leading position. And we are of course concerned about it. We will anyways continue our efforts and activities related to transition to disaggregated reporting system”.