ERC held Public dicsussions on current state of civil society in Ganja and Sheki
Economic Research Center conducted a presentation of “Azerbaijani civil society: national agenda for changes” document, which was prepared within its “Civil society strengthening” project implemented with the financial support of Open Society Institute, Budapest office and German Marshall Fund for local NGOs in Sheki and Ganja cities respectively on 09th of August 2012 and 10th of August 2012. The presentation which was organized at conference hall of Uluchay Socio-Economic Development Center in Sheki on August 09 was attended by the leaders of around 10 active NGOs. During discussion, the project coordinator – Mr.Gubad Ibadoglu made presentations on “Current state of civil society in Azerbaijan” and “Azerbaijani civil society: national agenda for changes”. Following both presentations, the national agenda was heard in sections. The participants expressed their anxiety of inactivity of more than 30 NGOs despite 42 NGOs in Sheki have public registration. Same time, acting NGOs complained of donors’ paying little attention to the NGOs in the regions. Besides, the local NGOs forwarded initiatives on simplification of public registration of NGOs, establishment of registry offices in the regions, elimination of the procedure of notary authorization of contract copy for registration of grant agreements, simplification of reporting formats submitted to the ministry of finance, and security of the property right to the proposals of NGOs. The discussions decided to add the proposals of local NGOs to the national agenda. The presentation which was organized at conference hall of “Perfect citizen” social union in Ganja city on August 10 was attended by the representatives of around 15 local NGOs. As in Sheki, the same agenda was followed in Ganja presentation. Here, some local NGOs made some comments during discussion of the national agenda. Mainly making suggestions on extension of electronic document circulation and application of online services, the local NGOs proposed online implementation of grant registration, and online application of proposals to the grant competitions held by the Council on State Support to NGOs and other donors. Those suggestions were supported by the great majority and included in the latest version of the national agenda. Besides tet-a-tet debates organized in the regions, TV programs were organized on the regional TV channels with participation of local NGO experts. So, ELTV channel of Yevlakh city provided shootage on the topic of current state of civil society in Azerbaijan on August 15 in “Present time” program. The project manager, chairman of Public İnitiatives Center – Gubad Ibadoglu, Chairman of Assistance to Economic Initiatives Center – Azer Mehtiyev, Coordinator of National Budget Group – Galib Abbaszadeh and Chairman of Mingechevir-based “Mingechevir Parents’ Association” – Farman Nabiyev participated on the TV program as experts. A similar TV program was organized on “Femida” program on Kepez TV channel on August 16, that participated the project manager, chairman of Public İnitiatives Center – Gubad Ibadoglu, Chairman of Assistance to Economic Initiatives Center – Azer Mehtiyev, leaders of local NGOs in Ganja, chairman of “Perfect citizen” social union – Hasan Huseinly, and coordinator of youth program of Eurasian Partnership Foundation – Gunay Zeynalova. The next shootage was done on “Social life” TV program on STV channel in Sheki city on August 17. The project manager, chairman of Public İnitiatives Center – Gubad Ibadoglu, Chairman of Assistance to Economic Initiatives Center – Azer Mehtiyev, chairman of “Balance” Economic Awareness Social Union – Mohubbali Naghiyev and lawyer of Sheki branch of “Transparency Azerbaijan” NGO – Nigar Mammadova participated on TV channel. The shootage in Sheki was conducted live with participation of audience by answering the questions asked by the NGO leaders. Public relations department, ERC