MONITORING REPORT On "National Action Plan for the Promotion of the Open Government for 2016-2018". Assessment prepared on the basis of the implementation status of paragraphs 2.2, 2.4, 4.2, 5.6 and 6.2
An implementation of committments under 22.2 (Establishing legal assistance mechanisms on obtaining data, carrying outof specialized trainings and awareness raising activities), 2.4 (developing of mobile versions of government internet websites, creation ofsocial networkpages and ensuring their active operations), 4.2 (Creating separate sections on official web resources addressing to the contents and activities of public councils, and updating data on regular basis), 5.6 (Feeding data on government procurements in the web pages of budgetary agencies) and 6.2 (Raising awareness on ethical conducts of municipality servicemen, and strengthening their professionalism) paragraphs of the monitoring report was assessed.Furthermore, 80 local executive committees and 23 central executive committees responsible for the execution of the National Action Plan (NAP) were involved in the monitoring.